CORE releases CORE Discovery tool
CORE has released a BETA version of the CORE Discovery tool, which offers a one-click access to free copies of research papers whenever you might hit a paywall.

Our free CORE Discovery service provides you with:
- Highest coverage of freely available content. Our tests have shown CORE Discovery finding more free content than any other discovery system.
- Free service for researchers by researchers. CORE Discovery is the only free content discovery extension developed by researchers for researchers. There is no major publisher or enterprise controlling and profiting from your usage data.
- Best grip on open repository content. Due to CORE being a leader in harvesting open access literature, CORE Discovery has the best grip on open content from open repositories as opposed to other services that disproportionately focus only on content indexed in major commercial databases.
- Repository integration and discovering documents without a DOI. The only service offering seamless and free integration into repositories. CORE Discovery is also the only discovery system that can locate scientific content even for items with an unknown DOI or which do not have a DOI.
The tool is available as:
- A browser extension for researchers and anyone interested in reading scientific documents
- Plugin for repositories, enriching metadata only pages in repositories with links to freely available copies of the paper
- API for developers and third party services
If you are interested in the CORE Discovery plugin do get in touch.
CORE receives Vannevar Bush Best Paper Award
The CORE team has also won the Vannevar Bush Best Paper Award at JCDL 2019, one of the most highly recognised digital libraries conference in the world, for our work on analysing how soon authors deposit into repositories, which was driven by CORE data. A blog post about this is already available.