A review of CORE at Open Repositories 2024

The name CORE was originally derived from COnnecting REpositories and it is therefore fitting that one of the most important gatherings for our team is the annual Open Repositories Conference. Now in its 19th year, the conference took place last week in Gothenburg, Sweden. Over 400 people were in attendance and the conference attracted a diverse audience of academics, librarians, developers, repository managers and many others. 

The team from CORE, represented by project lead Professor Petr Knoth and lead developer Matteo Cancellieri, presented a range of work that CORE has been undertaking in the last twelve months.  This includes some of the latest technical work the CORE team has been doing to deliver a range of new tools and services including identifying and extracting authors’ Rights Retention Statements from full text academic articles and the automatic detection of duplicate records in institutional repositories. The CORE team will also present their recent award-winning work on CORE-GPT, an LLM based QA platform with the answers drawn from scientific documents hosted by CORE.  read more...

CORE Board of Supporters Meeting round up

This week saw the 2nd bi-annual CORE Board of Supporters Meeting take place online. The meeting was well attended and we are extremely pleased that 24 participants from 15 member institutions joined us. The Board of Supporters is an integral component of the CORE governance structure and exists as part of our role as signatories to The Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructures (POSI).

Figure 1: The CORE governance structure

Covered in the meeting were many of the latest developments that CORE has been working on including the conversion of PDF documents to structured text to allow for machine-readability, detecting duplicates and different versions of scholarly documents within repositories., we’re extremely grateful to Kirsten Vallee from The University of Chicago who spoke about her repository’s experience using the CORE Dashboard deduplication module.  read more...

CORE at Open Repositories 2024 

This summer the 19th annual Open Repositories Conference will take place from June 3rd to 6th at the Clarion Post Hotel in Gothenburg, Sweden. Over 300 submissions were received this year and the CORE team will be in attendance, presenting several areas of the work we have been undertaking over the last few months. 

We will be introducing our work as coordinators for the SoFAIR (Making Software FAIR: A machine-assisted workflow for the research software lifecycle) project, a two-year CHIST-ERA funded project which will improve and semi-automate the process for identifying, describing, registering and archiving research software.  read more...

How the Oxford University Research Archive (ORA) uses the CORE API

Jason Partridge – Open Access Service Manager at the Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford.

One of the fundamental functions of CORE is to support Open Access. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through automated data gathering, using the CORE API. CORE harvests and aggregates information of research papers collected from institutional and subject repositories, and from open access and hybrid journals, and makes the content available via an API (Application Programming Interface). The CORE API offers a wealth of metadata and full text content from its many data providers. read more...

AI for the Research Ecosystem: a KMi workshop at the AI UK Fringe 2024

CORE is a part of The Knowledge Media Institute (KMi) here at The Open University. As part of the Turing Institute’s AI UK Fringe event series, Professor Petr Knoth and Dr David Pride from CORE are working together with Professor Enrico Motta and Dr Angelo Salatino from KMi and Dr Aldo Lipani from UCL to organise the “AI for the Research Ecosystem” (AI4RE) workshop which will highlight the rapid evolution of AI and its significant impact on the entire research process.

Technologies like deep learning and large language models are poised to transform various stages of research, including study design, literature reviews, code design, data collection and analysis, dissemination, peer review, and research assessment. The workshop aims to provide insights from expert speakers across the research spectrum, involving researchers, institutions, policymakers, funders, and commercial entities. The event serves as a catalyst for addressing fundamental questions about the implications of AI developments for the research community, emphasizing the need for responsible and ethical AI design and usage. Additionally, the workshop aims to explore how stakeholders can best organize and democratize these AI technologies for the benefit of the research ecosystem. read more...

UKCoRR Members’ Day – CORE Panel Session

The UKCoRR Members’ Day took place on November 13th and, at very short notice, was held online due to the ongoing technical problems currently being experienced by The British Library, who were the original hosts for the day long event.

Our panel session, entitled “CORE, repositories and supporting UKRI OA Policy” saw substantial participation with more than 120 people from U.K. HEIs in attendance. The session opened with a presentation from Professor Petr Knoth, Head of CORE. This presentation detailed CORE’s recent advancements and developments planned for the coming months, with the focus on how the tools and services being built by CORE can best serve the repository communities’ needs, with particular regard to the UKRI’s Open Access policy. read more...

CORE runner-up at Open University Research Excellence Awards 2022 

CORE was introduced at the very beginning of the OU Research Excellence Awards ceremony as one of the most used services the OU has ever created.

The annual OU Research Excellence Awards highlight the diverse research undertaken at the OU and recognise the impact that this research has for the economy, the environment, and society as a whole. More than 250 Open University (OU) staff, students, funders and partners came together in London on the 22nd September for this year’s awards.

CORE was announced as a runner-up in the category Best External Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange. 

We are extremely pleased that the CORE team was announced as runner-up in the highly-contested ‘Best External Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange Award’ for its knowledge exchange activities with a diverse range of external partners spanning from innovators, AI technology companies, digital library providers, plagiarism detection providers, academic social networks, funders and others, including its over decade long partnership with Jisc, the digital solutions provider for UK education and research. CORE received a small financial award to support research activities from the OU in recognition of this achievement.  read more...

CORE Membership – launching soon!

CORE (core.ac.uk), a not-for-profit service delivered by The Open University in partnership with Jisc, has been serving the scholarly community since 2011 and in that time has experienced phenomenal growth in every way. CORE collates Open Access research from over 10,500 data providers across the world and is now the largest collection of open access research literature. Over 30 million users each month access CORE, either via search or one of our services. We have also worked hard to develop services for our data providers and support them with tools to help better manage the content in their repositories, including improving discoverability, registering unique persistent identifiers, enriching content with data such as missing DOIs and helping monitor that their content remains compliant with Open Access policies and mandates. read more...

NISO vision interview with CORE’s Petr Knoth on the role of text mining in scholarly communication

This Vision Interview with Petr Knoth, Senior Research Fellow in Text and Data Mining at the Open University and Head of CORE (core.ac.uk), served as the opening segment of the NISO Hot Topic virtual conference, Text and Data Mining, held on May 25, 2022. Todd Carpenter spoke at length with Knoth about the many ways in which text and data mining impacts the present as well as the future. They discussed just how innovative this technology can be for the needs of researchers in the information community. read more...

CORE: Our commitment to The Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure

The Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure (POSI) offer a set of guidelines by which open scholarly infrastructure organisations and initiatives that support the research community can be operated and sustained. In this post, we demonstrate CORE’s commitment to adhere to these principles and show our current progress in achieving these aims. The principles are divided into three main categories; Governance, Sustainability and Insurance:


💚 Coverage across the research enterprise