CORE (, a not-for-profit service delivered by The Open University in partnership with Jisc, has been serving the scholarly community since 2011 and in that time has experienced phenomenal growth in every way. CORE collates Open Access research from over 10,500 data providers across the world and is now the largest collection of open access research literature. Over 30 million users each month access CORE, either via search or one of our services. We have also worked hard to develop services for our data providers and support them with tools to help better manage the content in their repositories, including improving discoverability, registering unique persistent identifiers, enriching content with data such as missing DOIs and helping monitor that their content remains compliant with Open Access policies and mandates.
Tag: oa
CORE update for July to September 2020

The team continues to work on improving the CORE. This period was a highly productive period for CORE in terms of growing and developing our products.
You can found something interesting about:
- Dashboard
- Improving access to the CORE Repository Dashboard
- Improving data provider registration
- CORE’s team involves an international event on processing research papers
- CORE Discovery and repositories
- CORE’s work on product improvement
- Statistics
CORE update for April to June 2020

Despite the global situation caused by the pandemic and the ongoing changes, the second quarter of 2020 has seen significant progress in the operation and development of CORE – new products have been released and the team reached new achievements. Follow the link and be informed about:
1. 20 million monthly CORE users and growth of CORE’s worldwide rank
2. CORE Repository Dashboard and Repository Edition releases
3. CORE helps Lean Library to provide OA research papers
4. CORE Ambassadors’ network and achievements
5. CORE Discovery and repositories
6. CORE team research accomplishments
7. CORE negotiations and partnerships
8. CORE Statistics.