CORE launches reindexing button for data providers

We support a huge range of data providers, from the smallest institutional repositories to the largest Open Access and preprint repositories such as PubMed Central and Arxiv. Each of these repositories have differing needs but one requirement for almost all of them is increasing the visibility and discoverability of their content. Being indexed by CORE is a key component in meeting these requirements. A recent study demonstrated that being indexed by CORE increases downloads from a repository by an average of 16%, and up to 32% in some cases. 

We currently index content from more than 11,000 repositories in over 150 countries worldwide. That’s a whole lot of repositories. And, even when you take into account the significant infrastructure that CORE has in place for indexing, covering all of these repositories takes some time. 

Via the CORE Dashboard we have always provided notifications for data providers that show the current indexing status of their repository. The Dashboard also provides valuable insights into how well the repository is configured for indexing and how their content is visible to the outside world. 

We’re extremely pleased to announce today a major improvement to the indexing service that allows repositories to request reindexing ‘on the fly’ via the Dashboard. This removes the waiting time that is currently part of CORE’s regular indexing processes and will help repositories ensure that their latest and greatest publications are available to the widest audience possible, in the shortest amount of time. 

For some repositories, a small delay in indexing is not too much of an issue, but for those that are uploading new content on a daily or weekly basis, it is much more critical that this content is shared in a timely fashion and the new service means repositories can request reindexing when they need it most. 

The CORE Dashboard is provided free of charge to all CORE members and provides a range of tools for managing repository content, viewing compliance with OA funder mandates, deduplication of content, metadata validation and generation of permanent identifiers (PIDs) for repository content. 

If you have any questions for us, whether about the Dashboard, membership or anything else please do drop us a line at