CORE Successfully Completes the USRN Discovery Pilot Project, Enhancing Repository Discoverability in the United States

A significant milestone has been reached: CORE’s pilot project with the USRN has concluded, delivering impressive outcomes, our pilot project with the United States Repository Network (USRN), a collaborative initiative between CORE, SPARC, Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) and AntLeaf. This pilot, which commenced in 2023, focused on assessing and increasing the discoverability and promoting good practices of U.S. repositories, a crucial step towards building a robust and interoperable national research infrastructure. read more...

CORE presents SoFAIR project at UNESCO

Last week saw CORE founder Professor Petr Knoth at UNESCO in Paris for the 2025 Software Heritage Symposium and summit. Professor Knoth was presenting the work undertaken in the first year of the SoFAIR project, a two-year multinational CHIST-ERA project. The Open University is working in conjunction with multiple partners including INRIA, Brno University of Technology, the Polish Academy of Sciences and Europe PMC. SoFAIR will improve and semi-automate the process for identifying, describing, registering and archiving research software, ensuring it has received a Software Heritage persistent identifier.  read more...

CORE receives funding from Microsoft’s Open Data Initiative

We are extremely happy to announce that we have managed to secure a substantial five-year funding commitment from Microsoft’s Open Data Initiative to improve CORE’s services.

Specifically, the funding will support CORE in:

  • Improving processes for indexing and increasing discoverability of Open Access content from repositories, journals and preprint services.
  • Developing technology to improve the quantity and quality of scholarly metadata in CORE, ensuring CORE significantly contributes to the delivery of a global scholarly knowledge graph.
  • Improving CORE services for better machine access to academic content, in line with the requirements of the OSTP memo, and in line with other OA policy requirements.
  • Conducting research on ethical and responsible ways of using academic content in the age of AI.
  • Developing an annual yearly statistical monitoring process for open access content growth.

    Introducing the SDG Classification Module for the CORE Dashboard

    Figure 1: SDG Classification in the CORE Dashboard

    A Novel Tool for SDG Research Classification

    We are pleased to announce the launch of the UN SDG Classification Module for the CORE Dashboard, a purpose-driven tool designed to streamline and automate the process of classifying academic research according to these goals. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 global objectives adopted in 2015 to address key challenges such as poverty, inequality, and environmental sustainability. They aim to promote inclusive development, economic growth, and environmental protection, with the overarching goal of ensuring no one is left behind by 2030. Each goal includes specific targets to guide global action towards a more sustainable and equitable future. read more...

    CORE welcomes University of Glasgow as a sustaining member

    In December 2022, we launched the CORE Membership program for data providers. CORE is a not-for-profit service dedicated to the open access mission and one of the signatories of the Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructures POSI. We have since seen this membership grow to over 30 institutions who have committed to supporting CORE, and the membership program is now a key component of CORE’s long term sustainability plan.

    Our wonderful CORE members!

    Today we are extremely happy to announce the latest addition to our membership roll. The University of Glasgow has committed to support CORE as a sustaining member for the next five years. This is a fantastic public commitment and we are extremely grateful to the team at Glasgow for their support and acknowledgement for the work that CORE does. read more...

    The CORE Rights Retention Statement tracker

    CORE recently introduced the Rights Retention Statements tracker to the CORE Dashboard, and it is now available to CORE members. An increasing number of UK institutions have implemented an institutional rights retention policy, specifying rights for publications for all articles (and sometimes books) with a specific publisher. There is a useful map of these institutions here. Once a policy is in place, the majority of articles will probably not have a rights statement within each article. However, even with an institutional agreement in place, there are cases when it is important to check the text. read more...

    CORE Board of Supporters Meeting 

    This week saw the latest CORE Board of Supporters Meeting take place online. We had 28 attendees from our member institutions and, for the first time, we were also joined by institutions that are working with CORE as a part of the URSN pilot project, funded by SPARC. 

    The Board of Supporters is an integral component of the CORE governance structure and exists as part of our role as signatories to The Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructures (POSI).

    Figure 1: The CORE governance structure

    Professor Petr Knoth hosted the meeting and first introduced a round up of the work that CORE has been doing in the last six months, covering some of the new tools that CORE has released for members including the Rights Retention module, new indexing request capabilities, better email alert tracking and the ability to categorise a repository’s content into ‘sets’ allowing for better management of your content.  read more...

    A review of CORE at Open Repositories 2024

    The name CORE was originally derived from COnnecting REpositories and it is therefore fitting that one of the most important gatherings for our team is the annual Open Repositories Conference. Now in its 19th year, the conference took place last week in Gothenburg, Sweden. Over 400 people were in attendance and the conference attracted a diverse audience of academics, librarians, developers, repository managers and many others. 

    The team from CORE, represented by project lead Professor Petr Knoth and lead developer Matteo Cancellieri, presented a range of work that CORE has been undertaking in the last twelve months.  This includes some of the latest technical work the CORE team has been doing to deliver a range of new tools and services including identifying and extracting authors’ Rights Retention Statements from full text academic articles and the automatic detection of duplicate records in institutional repositories. The CORE team will also present their recent award-winning work on CORE-GPT, an LLM based QA platform with the answers drawn from scientific documents hosted by CORE.  read more...

    CORE launches reindexing button for data providers

    We support a huge range of data providers, from the smallest institutional repositories to the largest Open Access and preprint repositories such as PubMed Central and Arxiv. Each of these repositories have differing needs but one requirement for almost all of them is increasing the visibility and discoverability of their content. Being indexed by CORE is a key component in meeting these requirements. A recent study demonstrated that being indexed by CORE increases downloads from a repository by an average of 16%, and up to 32% in some cases.  read more...

    CORE participating in the UNESCO Open Science Monitoring Framework launch

    In December, Professor Petr Knoth, founder and team lead for CORE was invited to participate in a workshop entitled ‘Building an Open Science Monitoring Framework with open technologies’ hosted by UNESCO at their Paris headquarters. 

    With many public and funder policies now mandating Open Access deposit of funded research, the need for tracking and measuring the impact of these policies becomes more pressing. This international workshop brought together more than 50 experts from research organisations, universities, nonprofits and national agencies to discuss how open technologies can best help in this effort and work towards monitoring the progress of open science itself.  read more...