Category: growth
CORE update for October to December 2019
During the last quarter of 2019 CORE released new updates for two of its services, CORE Reader and CORE Discovery, and has initiated new collaborations, for example with LA Referencia. In addition, CORE was singled out for its contributions and was awarded for its outstanding impact of research on society and prosperity. Details about these and more news can be found below.
CORE won an Outstanding Impact of Research on Society and Prosperity Award
During the Research Excellence Awards 2019 Ceremony dedicated to the 50th anniversary of The Open University, CORE was presented with the award for “Outstanding Impact of Research on Society and Prosperity Award”.
This important award reflects the clear value CORE represents to its millions of users as the largest repository of Open Access scientific knowledge.
CORE users can now read articles directly on our site
We are happy to announce the release of CORE Reader, which provides a seamless experience for users wishing to read papers hosted by CORE. In this post, we provide an overview of what is new and we encourage you to follow this development as new functionalities in the reader are on our roadmap.

At the beginning of this project, there was a reflection that most open access services do not yet provide a rich user experience for reading research papers. Determined to change this, we originally started looking at whether CORE could render research papers as HTML, as has recently become trendy across publisher platforms. While such rendering remains to be one of the ultimate goals, we realised that this could only be achieved for a small fraction of documents in CORE. More specifically, those that the data provider offers in machine readable formats, such as LaTeX or JATS XML. While we want to encourage more repositories to support such formats (and this remains to be a Plan S recommendation), we wanted to improve the reading experience for all of our users across all of our content.
Releasing a new CORE Discovery browser extension
CORE Discovery helps users find freely accessible copies of research papers that might be behind a paywall on the publisher’s website. It is backed by our huge dataset of millions of full text open access papers as well as content from widely used external services beyond CORE. The tool not only provides state-of-the-art coverage of freely available content, it is the only discovery service which:
- delivers state-of-the-art performance compared to other discovery tools in terms of both content coverage (finding a freely available copy when it is available) and precision (reliably delivering a free copy of the paper on success);
- is run by researchers for researchers (as opposed to companies);
- has the best grip on content from the global network of open repositories;
- can deliver to readers other relevant freely available research papers even in situations where a freely available version is not available from anywhere on the web.
To satisfy the needs of CORE users, the world’s largest global aggregator of open access research papers now helps users access articles of their interest. Generally, discovery tools can find typically free copies of papers for about 15%-30% of published documents (slide 11). This means that in more than 70% of cases, they don’t bring to the user anything useful. CORE Discovery can offer the user relevant documents even in situations where other discovery tools are not successful. What distinguishes CORE Discovery from other discovery services on the market is that it does not stop when an open access version is not available, but always aims to offer related open access articles to the end user.
CORE update for July to September 2019
CORE releases CORE Discovery in Mozilla and Opera browsers
CORE Discovery, a browser extension that offers one-click access to free copies of research papers whenever you might hit a paywall, is now published in Mozilla and Opera Stores. The plug in was originally released as a Google Chrome extension.
CORE presents its full texts growth and introduces eduTDM at Open Science Fair 2019
CORE was active at the Open Science Fair 2019, an international event for all topics related to Open Science. CORE had two posters at this event; a general to the CORE service poster, which updated the community about the full text growth and wide usage of the CORE services, and a second one about the eduTDM.
CORE update for April to June 2019
CORE releases CORE Discovery tool
CORE has released a BETA version of the CORE Discovery tool, which offers a one-click access to free copies of research papers whenever you might hit a paywall.

Our free CORE Discovery service provides you with:
- Highest coverage of freely available content. Our tests have shown CORE Discovery finding more free content than any other discovery system.
- Free service for researchers by researchers. CORE Discovery is the only free content discovery extension developed by researchers for researchers. There is no major publisher or enterprise controlling and profiting from your usage data.
- Best grip on open repository content. Due to CORE being a leader in harvesting open access literature, CORE Discovery has the best grip on open content from open repositories as opposed to other services that disproportionately focus only on content indexed in major commercial databases.
- Repository integration and discovering documents without a DOI. The only service offering seamless and free integration into repositories. CORE Discovery is also the only discovery system that can locate scientific content even for items with an unknown DOI or which do not have a DOI.
The tool is available as:
- A browser extension for researchers and anyone interested in reading scientific documents
- Plugin for repositories, enriching metadata only pages in repositories with links to freely available copies of the paper
- API for developers and third party services
If you are interested in the CORE Discovery plugin do get in touch.
CORE receives Vannevar Bush Best Paper Award
The CORE team has also won the Vannevar Bush Best Paper Award at JCDL 2019, one of the most highly recognised digital libraries conference in the world, for our work on analysing how soon authors deposit into repositories, which was driven by CORE data. A blog post about this is already available.
CORE becomes the world’s largest open access aggregator (or how about them stats 2018 edition)
. More specifically, over the last 3 months CORE had more than 25 million users, tripling our usage compared to 2017. According to
CORE’s Open Access content has reached the Moon! (or how about them stats 2017 edition)
Our services are also growing steadily and we would like to thank the community for using the CORE API and CORE Datasets.
We also offer other services, such as the CORE Repositories Dashboard, CORE Publisher Connector and the CORE Recommender. We received great feedback with regards to the CORE Recommender, with George Macgregor, Institutional Repository Manager at Strathclyde University, reporting:
We are thrilled that this year CORE made it to the moon. Our next destination is Venus.
The CORE Team wishes you Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!
* Note: Special thanks to Matteo Cancellieri for creating the graphics in this blog post.
CORE reaches a new milestone: 75 million metadata and 6 million full text
To celebrate this milestone, we gathered the knowledge of our data scientists, programmers, researchers, and designers to illustrate our portion of metadata and full text with a less traditional (sour apple) “pie chart”.
CORE now offers 5 millions of open access full-text research papers

“In the last year, we have managed to scale up our harvesting process. This enabled us to significantly increase the amount of open access content we can offer to our users. With more and more open access content being made available by data providers, thanks to recent open access policies, CORE now also captures and provides access to a higher percentage of global research literature ”, says CORE’s founder, Dr Petr Knoth.
With 66 million metadata records and 5 million full-text, from 102 countries, in 52 different languages, CORE becomes now the world’s largest full-text open access aggregator. CORE embraces the vibrant collections of both institutional and disciplinary repositories, while its large volume of scholarly outputs ranges from scientific research papers, to grey literature and from Master’s to Doctoral thesis. In addition, it is a metasearch for the all the open access peer-reviewed scientific journal articles published in open access journals.